However, it is important that the teabag is wet enough and the tea is made off black leaves that contain tannic acid.

Rest plenty for a couple of days following the procedure and this should help clot the blood quicker. After any kind of dental surgery, implant, or tooth extraction, resting is very important.By following this method, you should see a significant reduction in bleeding within 60 minutes. If gauze is not readily available in your home, you can also use a folded paper towel. Now bite your teeth on the gauze and apply firm pressure and let it be there for at least 45 minutes or an hour. Dampen a piece of gauze with water and roll it up or fold it into a square and then place it on the empty tooth socket or the affected area.You can even try and sleep with your head elevated if the pain has subsided but the bleeding doesn’t stop. Keeping your head higher than your heart lowers the blood pressure which will restrict the bleeding from the affected area. Use bed pillows to achieve this and remain comfortably lying for at least an hour.