Here are the best homebrew spells in Dungeons & Dragons. Many of these incantations make for intriguing additions to any campaign and are worth implementing. These homebrew spells could pass as official material, considering how well they perform and blend into the tabletop RPG. The latter category of homebrew spells features incantations unlike anything in official Dungeons & Dragons material. The Dungeons & Dragons community created innumerable homebrew spells, some of which are silly and others compelling. This idea is especially true when it comes to homebrew spells. There is plenty of material to maintain players' interests and grant them countless opportunities to try something new. Updated April 22, 2022, by Christopher Anaya: Dungeons & Dragons is an ever-growing tabletop RPG that constantly receives new content, both official and homebrew. These homebrewed creations are more than deserving of a spot in any caster's spell list, with your Dungeon Master's discretion of course. However, a select few spells exceed the expectations of most even to the extent of passing as official material. These additions, usually, are fair and functional while many others are unjustifiably ridiculous. Players create homebrew spells for a variety of purposes: adding flavor, serving a specific role, testing one's creativity, etc. RELATED: The Most Useful D&D 5e Spells Players Should Have Path of the Jedi These titles are normally conferred by higher ranking Jedi/Jedi Council/Mentor by completing tasks, tests or quests, and are not normally automatic just by gaining experience points. Despite this, the community has drawn upon its imagination to produce new magic, forever expanding the list of available spells. I think so, and here is the Path of the Jedi D&D 5th edition Monk Archetype Homebrew that I put together. With over a hundred spells at their disposal, a caster's potential is near-limitless with the only hindrance being their skill. Nearly every creature in Dungeons & Dragons can wield arcane power with utter ease. Along with being intended to be used by player characters, dungeon masters are encouraged to use this section to design and run playing sessions and to take improving, reviewing, or removing templates into consideration in their campaigns.

The world of Dungeons & Dragons is brimming with magic capable of untold wonders or irreparable atrocities.